Sunday 27 October 2013

Storage And Use Of Spices

In fact, it is not true - pepper, according to recent surveys tend to slow down the stool.

Storage and use of spices - Spices should never musty, damp, and moldy, with a foreign smell and may contain foreign to the human body harmful substances. The market is not giving spices are low in active ingredients and spices consisting of small fruits can be a whole, uncrushed. kyle leon scam consdider it

Essential oils in spices and prevents the formation of microorganisms in food or prevent foreign bacteria overgrowth in the gut dried spices, unless specially treated or fresh leaves, if not perfectly washed, contain a variety of microorganisms. If the food after adding spices properly thermally processed and then stored at a temperature which allows the propagation of microorganisms, their number may increase to the infective dose and cause disease of the dish.

Spices are stored properly: not in the wet, not the light. We use tight sealing container. Never do not locate the spice shelf near the cooking units because heat and moisture spices damages. Do not store more spices in one box, each affects the smell. Ground spices will last a year, minced few months.

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